+607 - 533 2314 / 5614/ 5700 konvo@utm.my

 For further inquiries regarding the UTM Convocation Ceremony:


Convocation Secretariat

Academic Management & Convocation Section
Ground Floor, Wing A, Block F54
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Johor Bahru

FB Academic Management & Convocation Section




Graduation Fees
Conferment Session
Convocation Attire
Graduand Procedures
Rehearsal Ceremony
Graduand Registration
Graduand Dress Code
Special Needs

Telephone: (6) 07-533 2314 / 2236 / 2300 / 2182
✉️ Email: konvo@utm.my

Students & Academic Affairs

Graduand Verification
Graduate Tracer Study
Degree/Diploma & Academic Transcript Collection
Academic Award Recipients (Undergraduate)

Postgraduate: Telephone:  (6) 07-5537789 / 37794
✉️ Email:  amdpg@utm.my
Undergraduate: Telephone:  (6) 07-5537963 / 30459
✉️ Email:  amdug@utm.my
Centre for Joint programmes UTMSPACE:
Telephone:  (6) 07-5318000 ext. 8018 (Part-time Undergraduate)
(6) 03-26154327 / 4328    (Joint Programme)
✉️ Email:  khairiel@utmspace.edu.my (Part-time Undergraduate)
furizan@utmspace.edu.my (Joint Programme)

UTM Bursary

Graduand with Debts

UTM Students (Postgraduate & Full-time Undergraduate):
Telephone:  (6) 07-5530087 / (6) 013-7554602
✉️ Email: bendahari-ukp@utm.my
UTMSPACE students (Part-time Undergraduate):
Telephone:  (6) 07-5318019
✉️ Email: enquiry@utmspace.edu.my

UTM Library

Graduand with Library Debts

UTM & UTMSPACE Students: (6) 07-5530136 / 30017 / 30044