+607 - 533 2314 / 5614/ 5700 konvo@utm.my

Keris is one of the regalia in the Malay culture that symbolize nobility, valor, and authority. The adoption of this traditional Malay weapon as the emblem of the university’s authority blends harmoniously with the nation’s  endeavour for a national cultural identity.

Keris Ganja Seiras Melela is the official name given to this insignia keris. His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong VI inaugurated this symbolic keris legitimate governance on Monday, November 28, 1977. The keris was officially used during the second convocation held on December 3, 1977 and still in use presently.

The keris has a total of 25 waves. The number of waves epitomizes the 25 most significant prophets in Islam. Weighing approximately 6 kilograms, the keris has a total of length 104cm, measured from the tip of the handle top the tip of the blade. The blade and its raised collar-guard, called ganja, are made of copper, with a fine and smooth damascene. The hilt of the keris is carved from ivory in the form of horse hoofs embellished with meandering clouds of interlaced floral motifs. A hilt cup that resembles a blossoming pomegranate complements the meeting point between the blade and the hilt.

The sheath is made of silver and engraved with ‘awan larat’. It has Universiti Teknologi Malaysia delicately inscribed in Arabic calligraphy. The sheath is shaped as ‘sehari sebulan’ and engraved with meandering clouds of vegetal motifs. The national emblem is engraved in the front whereas the logo of UTM is on the other side. Both symbols are inlaid in gold.